sample is ready

What Is A Clothing Sample?

A clothing sample is another industry terminology for what’s generally known as a prototype. It is famously known, and used for by many designers over to Century as part of the creative and development process. We will discuss further about the benefits and the different things you can get by having a sample.

Why Do I Need A Clothing Sample?

Depending on how you structure your Organization, you may or may not want a sample. Some designers who have worked with a specific factory for a very long time do not go through the process of sampling everything.

We are rather a few pieces They are not sure about whether it’s fit or aesthetic, for their basic standard pieces they feel confident to skip this process based on their previous experience with the factory. Other times those who are traders feel this process is not necessary for their business so therefore will skip this process. If you are creating a style through custom request because there is no factory that is offering it on AVmade then we recommend you request for a sample.

Otherwise if you find it on AVmade and all information is detailed and described thoroughly then we live the decision up to you. If you do place a production order without a sample but quality is not met by the factory as described then we got your back as its part of our policy to not release fund for a certain amount of days after you receive your production, which give you time to inspect it, and if necessary to file a claim. But note samples are available as an option when working with a factory on AVmade for entrepreneurs to make a request. If you’re new or if its your first time then we highly recommend it.

There are incentive programs we made available on AVmade, such as a factory will, if you place your production order within 7 days of sample received then 50% off your sample cost will be prorated from your production cost, there are also a much cheaper options for those who are in a very tight budget such as fabric swatches for you to look at and feel. These are mandatory for factories on Avmade to provide entrepreneurs without any exception.

Whats The Reasons Designers Like Seeing Sample?

Many designers would initially like to see a sample in order to Evaluate the following

  • Does the garment look like it’s well-made? In terms of stitching and overall aesthetic
  • Also by trying it on the Fit Model to see if this is the desired style he/she had in mind. In terms of fit and aesthetic.
  • To feel the Fabric and material to make sure it’s something they like
clothing sample
sample sewing
sample is ready

What Does A Clothing Sample Cost?

Pricing will vary slightly based on factory, fabric quality and type of style such as tee vs. jeans, etc. by the factory. If you take a tee-shirt for example,

  • A legit factory will base its price on for making a pattern, cut and sew, fabric The entire process of making a sample for prototyping according to your request will be around $250.
  • Although we’ve also heard ridiculous stories such as designers being charged $1000 – $1500 for developing a tee-shirt which in our opinion should’ve been illegal but well where there is no marketplace transparency than its pretty much the wild wild west.
  • On AVmade price for sampling ranges between $50-100. If you ask why there is such a discount using  AVmade then a simple answer is most of the factories that we have partnered with are industry vets which means they have  developed an extensive library that contains dozens of different silhouettes therefore the development part of the pattern is waived and since also these factories make and stock their own fabric they do not need to purchase it from a wholesaler or retailer.
  • Also manufacturing-related goods, prototyping pre-production like sample if a production order is placed within 7 days of the sample received then an additional 50% of sample fee is reimbursed making developing a tee as low as $25-50, and we call that supporting small businesses.

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