
How To Design A Fashion Line?


Let’s see how we can unravel about starting your clothing brand/line from scratch means. Let’s go back to the Genesis of it all. First thing first, like a lot of Great designers make sure you understand commerce and creative, which one will help to analyzing data while the other intuition.

We highly recommend combining the two. Data is normally associated with what is currently in trend on the macro and micro levels. It doesn’t necessarily mean a style or a silhouette but rather also a color and vibe and a mood. While intuition is about the art of fashion, a sense of style, swag, attitude, confidence and the capacity to understand what others will want in the future.

Do not be too far ahead with your creative concept as you would lose most customers’ imagination but just ahead and on time creatively to find that sweet spot to give you an advantage point. Another word as an entrepreneur your job is to understand what will sell vs. what you like.

It is very hard to master the balance between commerce and passion but you must in order to succeed in Brand building and business. If your goal is to be creative without boundaries and not care about where customers state of mind is today then good luck and get ready to eat ramen noodles for a while until that sinks in.

Ex: If almost every woman you see on a magazine, social media, tv, and your favorite hangout spot or on your daily routine is rocking some form of leggings and tee constantly but you decided you are going to make leather pants in a time when sustainability, animal cruelty and eating less meat is more of what is in trend or making a bodysuit that makes her look like she belongs in star trek episode 1 looking like Beverly Crusher then good luck, don’t forget the gold brooch with it.

Entrepreneurship is not for everyone if someone told you it is then I’m sure that same person told you you can be the president of the United States as well. Not here to discourage you but rather to say, understanding this is probably going to be the toughest thing you will embark upon and your willingness to pay attention, learn and continue to improve on your skill will eventually pay off and will certainly put you in a different caliber than most. If you think you are doing this for the glam and glory then well you most likely are not going to cut it.

There will be a lot of self-doubt, frustration, failure after failure you have to endure before all the dots are connected and your brand is thriving. If you’re doing it because Beyoncé‘s lifestyle looks dope then remember it took her 15 years to master her entrepreneur skill. So be honest with yourself and be willing to commit to this journey.


3 Reasons To Start A Fashion Line?

● Opportunity
● Vision
● Mission

How Do I Know If There Is An Opportunity Present?

Who the source is or what this source is does not really matter but what is important is when someone has a goal in mind which meets an opportunity then you should know how to cezeit. Will give you two examples that can sort of show you the path of what we mean :

● Reformation clothing founder Yale, Was struggling to build her business until she came across the idea on how important it was and saw how the market was shifting two more sustainable wear garments then closed her business and started a new brand The combined the concept of sustainable made clothing with stylish Design. Reformation has reached an annual sells that exceeded hundred million by the time they were acquired.

● The cofounder of J Brand jeans so an opportunity when it was presented to her as a designer to work with someone who was financially equipped to sustain the business I need to partner with and also grow their business to generate over 100M annually before it was required. You tend to see this quite often with couture clothing brands as well even more so when you look at designer like Mark Jacobs, Tom Ford, Alexander McQueen, Valentino and so much more how they went about building in starting a business.

What Does It Mean To Have A Vision?

You know you have a great vision not because you think so because you have been working at it for a very long time and have probably worked for companies or private individuals seeking for your help in areas that is highly creative and needed to print if you’re someone who has a great vision.

To have a vision means to really understand And having artistic point of you that could be translated to commerce. Many artistic point of use can never be translated to commerce because they are so outside of the box most people won’t understand it. So to have a vision that has been developed and worked on that knows what that balance is when starting a fashion line is crucial.

How Do I Know If I Am Passionate About Designing?

If you have been passionate about starting a new fashion line and always find yourself creating and designing, hoping and waiting for the right time then you are the right person to give it a shot as most likely unless you broke the barrier of fear you will find a path to success as your thought process and desire to doing so was not shaped by instant gratification.

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